Exercise for acute hearing: "Heavenly Drum"

Exercise for acute hearing: “Heavenly Drum”

➣ This exercise stimulates the brain, improves blood circulation and central nervous system functioning, restores hearing and gets rid of tinnitus.


・ Warm up the palms of your hands.
When they are warm, knead each shell for 5 minutes.
・ Next, close the outer ear canals tightly with your palms and place your fingers on the back of your head.
・ Press your middle fingers with your index fingers and slide them to make flicks on the back of your head.
・ Start with 10 clicks and gradually increase the number of clicks to 30.

Exercise can help maintain and improve hearing health. Physical activity increases blood flow to the ears, which can help prevent hearing loss. 

Physical activity 

  • Aerobic exercise: Running, cycling, and other aerobic exercises improve circulation throughout the body, including the ears
  • Strength training: Weightlifting and resistance training can help reduce cortisol levels
  • Yoga and tai chi: Can help reduce stress levels, which can benefit the auditory system

Hearing exercises

  • Sound focusListen to two sound sources in different parts of a room, then try to repeat what someone says while closing your eyes 
  • Identify soundsClose your eyes and try to identify sounds in your environment, such as birds chirping 
  • Sound therapyUse high and low frequency sounds to exercise the muscles of the ear 
  • Massage your earsGently massage the outer ear and earlobes to promote blood circulation and reduce muscle tension 

Other activities that can help 

  • Puzzles and brain teasers can help keep the brain sharp

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